The Voice of Africa

Kadmiel & Kemuel Van Der Puije Lead Inspiring Masterclass at Duke University


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In a momentous gathering at Duke University, the Ambassador of Africa Masterclass, held in collaboration with Duke Africa, unfolded as a beacon of hope and opportunity for Africa’s emerging leaders. Led by Kadmiel and Kemuel Van Der Puije, the event served as a rallying cry for youth empowerment and collective action to drive positive change across the continent.

Kadmiel’s journey from humble beginnings to visionary leader set the stage for a day of inspiration and introspection. Sharing his personal story of perseverance and passion, Kadmiel ignited a spark within each attendee, urging them to dream boldly and act courageously in pursuit of Africa’s boundless potential.

Following Kadmiel’s stirring address, Kemuel took the stage to unveil the Ambassador of Africa Program—a transformative initiative designed to empower young leaders and amplify their voices in shaping Africa’s destiny. With a vision of unity and collaboration, Kemuel articulated the program’s core principles: to create a seat at the table for Africa’s youth and build a brighter future together.

As the day unfolded, students from Duke Africa stepped forward to share their dreams and aspirations for Africa’s prosperity. Each story was a testament to the resilience and determination of Africa’s youth, highlighting their unwavering commitment to driving positive change in their communities and beyond.

Glory, with unwavering resolve, spoke passionately about her vision for improved healthcare accessibility, emphasizing the need for greater government support and financial resources allocated to the healthcare sector.

Umahi, fueled by entrepreneurial zeal, shared her aspirations of creating thriving businesses that would catalyze economic growth and prosperity across the continent.

Adesemi, with a creative spirit aflame, envisioned a vibrant African fashion industry that celebrated the richness of the continent’s cultural heritage.

Winifred, driven by a profound sense of purpose, outlined her plans to bridge the gap in healthcare accessibility, ensuring that every individual had access to quality care, regardless of their socio-economic status.

Millie, with compassion as her guiding light, expressed her desire to serve her community as a dedicated physician, providing much-needed healthcare services to those in need.

Mehdi, fueled by a passion for change, spoke eloquently about his vision for a future where politics became a force for positive transformation, shaping policies that uplifted and empowered the masses.

Hillary, armed with knowledge and determination, outlined her plans to wield the law as a tool for justice and empowerment, championing the rights of Africa’s youth with unwavering fervor.

Rachel Odonkor, a dedicated student hailing from Ghana, played a pivotal role in the event’s organization. With her background in Electrical/Computer Engineering and Computer Science, Rachel brought invaluable expertise to the table. She is deeply passionate about preserving African culture while embracing technological advancements, firmly believing in the mantra “Africa is the Future.”

Ego Maduafokwa, a determined student from Nigeria, stood as a guiding force in the event’s organization. With her pursuit of a degree in Environmental Engineering, Ego embodied a steadfast commitment to improving Africa’s energy sector. Her dream revolves around harnessing alternative renewable energy sources to drive sustainable change across the continent. Ego’s dedication to environmental stewardship and innovative solutions reflects her unwavering belief in Africa’s potential for progress. As a young woman breaking barriers in the field of engineering, Ego exemplifies resilience and determination, paving the way for a brighter, greener future for Africa and its inhabitants.

Throughout the day, Kadmiel & Kemuel, provided sage counsel and guidance to each student, nurturing their dreams and offering practical advice on how to bring them to fruition.

As the event drew to a close, amidst a backdrop of camaraderie and celebration, professional photographs captured the essence of resilience and promise that permeated the gathering. Each attendee left the Ambassador of Africa Masterclass with a renewed sense of purpose and determination, ready to embark on their journey towards a brighter future for Africa and its people.

The Ambassador of Africa Masterclass was more than just an event—it was a catalyst for change, inspiring a new generation of leaders to dream boldly and act decisively in pursuit of Africa’s prosperity. As the seeds of ambition planted within each attendee began to take root, the promise of a brighter tomorrow for Africa became ever more tangible. With unity, determination, and unwavering resolve, Africa’s youth are poised to shape a future that is as rich and vibrant as the continent itself.

For those interested in having Kadmiel or Kemuel Van Der Puije speak at their events or institutions, they can be reached at Their expertise, passion, and dedication make them powerful advocates for Africa’s development and invaluable speakers for any audience looking to make a difference.




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